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Tik, the hamster just won't go to sleep no matter what Mum tries!

This Reading Champion book is for Independent reading at Yellow Level 3

The great illustrations for 'Go To Sleep!' have been done by James Croft.

Click here to see some more of Jame's excellent artwork.

This story started out being about a restless cat keeping a family awake. The idea came from our cat who spent most of the day sleeping by as soon as we went to sleep she would run around the house and then sit on our bed miowing at the top of her voice - insisting that we got up to give her food or to let her out so she could go and sit on the decking in the moonlight.

As cats had been used in quite a few stories I changed the cat to a hamster and have her making a lot of noise in her cage.

Perhaps you could write a similar story about a different sort of pet doing different things to keep poeple awake.

Perhaps a dog that barks and wants to play or go for a walk. It could even be a baby animal keeping its mum or dad awake.

I had to make my story very short but you could have fun and use lots more words.